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Event Captures

Nutra Manufacturing Event Capture

This video clip shows the motion at full speed. This is what an observer sees normally. The tablets are moving at up to a thousand tablets per minute. All that is noticeable is that at frequent intervals one tablet pops up above the rest. it is impossible to say what is actually happening or what happens to the tablet that pops up higher than the others.

The videos below show the point in the tablet production where an ejector pops the compressed tablets out of the mold. If the ejector is set incorrectly, the tablets rise to high or too fast and either collide with the tablet ahead of it thus chipping both tablets or the tablet rolls off the moving belt of capsules and is not collected. Both of these problems cause significant loss of product.

This is where FlashBack shows it's worth. using a trigger to capture a short clip of video, then using the built-in events viewer to play the clip back at a speed which allows the human eye to comprehend what is happening, an operator is able to easily diagnose and correct the problem. The playback speed can be slowed right down to one frame per second or the video can be manually stepped frame by frame either forward or backward.

Normal operating speed 10 Frames per Second Playback 5 Frames per Second Playback

This video clip shows the motion at full speed. This is what an observer sees normally. The tablets are moving at up to a thousand tablets per minute. All that is noticeable is that at frequent intervals one tablet pops up above the rest. it is impossible to say what is actually happening or what happens to the tablet that pops up higher than the others.

The FlashBack Events viewer allows the user to slow the playback speed down so that the eye is able to register what is actually happening. Here the same same video clip is shown slowed to a playback speed of ten frames per second. This is 1/6th of the original speed. The tablets can now clearly be seen popping up, colliding with the tablet ahead, doing a 180 degree roll and even bouncing off the table.

Using the FlashBack Events viewer the playback speed is slowed even further to five frames per second. This is now 1/12th of the original speed. Even more detail of what happens is now noticeable. Particles from the damaged tablets can be seen to be flying around. The machine operator is now easily able to diagnose what is wrong, make the necessary adjustment and so save a lot of production from being lost or rejected by the consumer.

If you are not able to view the above video clips using the embedded YouTube player, please click on the AVI symbol below to download the video clip in AVI format. The clip can them be played on your PC or laptop using the standard Windows Media Player.
Link to AVI Download Page Link to AVI Download Page Link to AVI Download Page

Diverter on a conveyor at a Ketchup Packaging Plant.

The Event Captured below shows how the ketchup bottle diverter malfunctioned when the bottles per minute exceeded a particular speed.

The videos below show the point on the conveyor where bottles are diverted to the second lane when the first is full. At moderate speeds, the diverter worked fine. As soon as the speed was raised, the bottle diverter failed, causing a collision that completelely blocked the lane. The conveyor had to be stopped, the lane cleared by hand and the conveyor re-started. The downtime caused by this problem caused significant loss of production.

FlashBack again showed it's worth. By triggering an event when the collision occurred, a short video clip was captured. The clip was then analyzed using the built-in FlashBack events viewer. Playing the clip back at a speed which allowed the human eye to comprehend what was happening, it was possible to see what caused the diverter to fail.

The Ketchup Bottle Diverter operating as it should. The video was recorded at 60fps and is slowed down here using FlashBack, to 20fps so the correct operation can be seen.

The Ketchup Bottle Diverter failure shown at 60fps as recorded. In the blink of an eye, the lane is blocked with  with a pile-up of ketchup bottles. This is what the eye normally sees. It is obvious that it is not possible to tell what actually went wrong. It all happens too fast for the eye to comprehend.

Here the video clip is slowed to 1fps by the FlashBack system. What actually happened can now be seen. At 15 seconds into the clip, the diverter fingers start to extend, then suddenly retract before extending again. Now is is too late, the ketchup bottle has passed and instead of being diverted to the adjacent conveyor belt it only moves halway and blocks the lane, all the bottles therefater collide and form a total blockage.

If you are not able to view the above video clips using the embedded YouTube player, please click on the AVI symbol below to download the video clip in AVI format. The clip can them be played on your PC or laptop using the standard Windows Media Player.
Link to AVI Download Page Link to AVI Download Page Link to AVI Download Page